
Nine Five Pho

Nice Five Pho in Broward County (954)

I’m a sucker for Pho’ ever since discovering it back in 2000 when visiting Sydney, Australia while stationed onboard the mighty warship, USS Kitty Hawk CV-63. Since then everywhere I’ve been I’m always hunting down Pho’ spots to try out. Hawaii, California, Georgia, Texas, and Florida so far.

I recently seen this particular while driving to another place I love for Boba, Litchi Snow Ice and decided one day I’ll try it out. A couple days ago was that day. Upon entering it reminded me of a Chipotle so right away I was like, yup pump and dumb joint waste of my time. I still decided to try out regardless. I’m a sucker for Pho what can I say.

Pricing wasn’t to attractive at first glance for this build your Pho bowl. Well, I’m just going to fast forward, this is my new Pho joint, period. The broth was amazing, they actually gave you meat that was shocking to me. You don’t get different size bowls, just one size. I’d say it was about a medium sized bowl when compared to other Pho joints. You also got your own bag of veggies so you don’t have to share with other Pho eaters at your table if there were any. My partner had vermicelli which she wasn’t to happy about, but this is about Pho right now.


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